The workshop will bring together members of the SERVIR Applied Science Team (AST) and select partners from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan working with the SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIRHKH) initiative at ICIMOD. Over two days, SERVIR AST and implementing partners will present on ongoing activities in climate services, early warning systems, and other activities. In particular, the principal investigators (PI)s of the SERVIR AST will showcase ongoing research around water resources management, stream flow prediction and visualization, monitoring of intense thunderstorms, and seasonal prediction of HKH Hydrological Extremes with the South Asia Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS). The PIs will also update participants on SERVIR AST objectives and current developments. The workshop participants will work towards identifying areas for possible collaboration and partnerships in the future. Objectives The workshop has the following objectives Apprise country partners on AST proposals, methodologies and products Update AST PIs on ongoing activities around water resources, climate services and early warning in focal countries Identify potential areas for collaboration and future partnership