International Space Apps Challenge 2017

Date 29 Apr 2017 to 30 Apr 2017
Venue Trade Tower Business Centre, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact Persons Utsav Maden Utsav Maden
Type Workshops

NASA’s Space Apps Challenge is being hosted for the fifth time in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Space Apps Challenge is an international hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world. ICIMOD has participated in the organization and co-hosting of the global NASA-led Space Apps Challenge annual event in Kathmandu, Nepal, since 2013. The event is scheduled to take place from 29 to 30 April 2017 at the Trade Tower Business Centre, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal.

ICIMOD, under the framework of SERVIR–Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR–HKH), and Mercy Corps Nepal, are supporting the organization of the event in Kathmandu. The Robotics Association of Nepal (RAN) and the Nepal Engineers’ Association are the key national organizing partners. The event will be supported by Young Innovations Pvt Ltd and Kathmandu Living Labs. This year’s event evaluates space/earth issues and challenges faced in relation to the same. It will embrace collaborative solutions through relevant open-source applications.

Besides, NASA’s global challenges that ask participants to use NASA Earth Science data, the hosts have also set forth seven local challenges for participants in Kathmandu.


  • Cost effective irrigation technology for sandy river banks
  • Cost effective water supply for uphill settlements above river
  • River shifting trend analysis and projection
  • Early warning system (EWS) for creep Landslide
  • Agricultural drought forecasting
  • Sugarcane potential area mapping and flood hazard modeling
  • Real time wind early warning system development

Participants signing up for the local challenges will receive access to relevant data and also get an opportunity to refine their apps and prototypes after the event with support from the organizers.

Perks for participants

  • NPR 30,000 (USD 300) for champion
  • NPR 20,000 (USD 200) for first runner up
  • NPR 10,000 (USD 100) for second runner up
  • USD 100 Amazon web service credit for all participants
  • The global champion team will get a chance to visit a NASA Launch Event (TBD).
  • For teams with a feasible prototype, there is a chance to work with ICIMOD and Mercy Corps Nepal 

Orientation: 22 April 2017, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM at the Nepal Engineers’ Association Seminar Hall  

Save the date: NASA Space Apps Challenge