Improved water resource management in mountain areas is essential for the sustainable development of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region and downstream countries. Water resources management in the region requires multidisciplinary approaches that address climate change and variability; cryosphere dynamics; the hydrological regime and water availability; water-related risk management; mountain community water management; and vulnerability and adaptation. The advances in satellite remote sensing and geospatial technology have opened up new opportunities in mapping and modeling water resources and supporting its management. In this context, ICIMOD within the framework of SERVIR-Himalaya initiative is organizing a one-week training on “Satellite Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management” for ICIMOD and its partner institutions in the region. Objectives The main objective of the training is to provide the participants a broad overview of current and future satellite systems for water resources management. A number of passive and active sensors for precipitation, surface water, cryosphere, terrestrial water storage change will be introduced along with the modeling techniques (VIC-3L, HEC RAS) for assessment and forecasting of water level dynamics. Expected Participants National/International Agencies and stakeholder groups of the SERVIR-Himalaya region engaged in applying remote sensing tools and models for water resources management. They are expected to have basic knowledge of satellite remote sensing and water resources management/hydrology.