Call for Application: SERVIR Himalaya Youth Forum Empowering Youth with Earth Observation Information for Climate Actions in Bangladesh

Date 5 Mar 2014 to 8 Mar 2014
Venue Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies
Contact Persons Suyesh Pradhan
Type Training
Programmes MENRIS

Climate change is one of the most critical global concerns of this generation. The impact of climate change on the Himalayan region mountain system are evident in rapid melting of glaciers, loss of snow cover, changes in vegetation cover, biodiversity loss, erratic weather pattern and increasing frequency and magnitude of natural disaster. Bangladesh is situated at the bottom of the Himalayan system and also threatened by the ice melting water from Himalayan and sea level rise of the Indian Ocean. All the climate factors have influence on the social and environmental security of this country. The climate change factors are affecting every segment of society in one way or the other. Future generation of Bangladesh will face enormous challenges due to climate change. It is therefore important to bring about awareness among youth and actively engage them in areas of preparedness, risk reduction, adaptation and mitigation.

The Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) believes that the youths have that potency to act as a climate activist and be a positive agent of change by engaging them within the country, regionally and internationally. After the successful completion of the first SERVIR Himalaya Youth Forum in 2012 with the collaboration of ICIMOD and experiencing the enthusiasm of the youth, BCAS and ICIMOD encouraged in organizing this again.

This youth forum is part of the SERVIR-Himalaya Initiative supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The SERVIR Himalaya Youth Forum Empowering Youth with Earth Observation Information for Climate Actions in Bangladesh.


The objectives of this youth forum are to:

  • Educate and inspire young people about geospatial science, earth observation and its potential to address climate change issues;
  • Hands-on exercises with GIS software and GPS systems and online mapping resources;
  • Provide a platform and network for mutual sharing and learning of experiences among youth;   have increased visibility of SERVIR Himalaya among youth in Bangladesh.
Expected Participants

We welcome 3rd or 4th year students of public and private university of Bangladesh, who are interested in research to address the complex issues facing ecosystems and the human societies that depend on them using geospatial technology. We welcome applicants from the earth and natural science, who are interested in the challenge of crossing the barriers between disciplines. Masters level students of age below 25 years also can apply for the youth event. The youth forum will be limited to about 40 participants. This has been found to be optimal for student-lecturer interactions, interactive practical sessions and group project.

Eligibility of the applicants

Students of Hons. 3rd, 4th year and MS students age bellow 25 can apply. And those who attend the previous youth forum will not be eligible to apply.

How to apply

To apply, go to and complete the Online Application Form by 31st March, 2014.