Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Google Earth Engine

Date 4 Jun 2018 to 8 Jun 2018
Venue ICIMOD Headquarters, Nepal
Contact Persons Rajesh Bahadur Thapa
Type Workshop

The International Centre for Integrated MountainDevelopment (ICIMOD), in partnership with theInstitute of Remote Sensing, JahangirnagarUniversity (IRS-JU), will conduct a five-day Trainingof Trainers (ToT) workshop on the Google EarthEngine (GEE) platform, under its SERVIR HinduKush Himalaya (SERVIR–HKH) initiative. ICIMODhad organized several trainings on GEE in Nepal andBangladesh in 2017.

Google’s GEE platform can be used for large- andsmall-scale scientific analysis and visualization ofgeospatial datasets. It stores, organizes, andprovides access to a wide variety of satellite imagesand geospatial datasets, and is capable of global-scale environmental data analysis. In addition to thetools and cloud computational powers necessary foranalysing large datasets, the GEE platform alsooffers Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) inJavaScript and Python. GEE is widely used byresearchers, nonprofit organizations, educators, andgovernment agencies to analyze large-scalegeospatial data and is available free of cost to non-commercial users.


The workshop aims to train faculty fromJahangirnagar University on geospatial data analysisusing GEE. These faculty had participated inbeginner-level GEE training organized by ICIMODand IRS–JU in Dhaka last year. The ToT workshopwill be an opportunity to discuss and refine trainingmaterials and prepare teaching professionals toconduct GEE trainings in Bangladesh. In addition to abasic introduction of remote sensing and usage ofGEE, the training will cover advanced topics ingeospatial applications such as mapping vegetation,land use and land cover, water resources, collectingearth online, teaching GEE effectively, monitoringand evaluation, and reporting. After the training,trainers will be able to deliver similar trainings inBangladesh with minimum supervision from ICIMOD.