SERVIR flood inundation mapping service

Date 07:45-10:45 NPT, 12 Aug 2021
Venue Microsoft Teams
Contact Persons
Type Training
Programmes SERVIR-HKH

SERVIR flood inundation

About the workshop

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks are organizing an orientation training to introduce HydroSAR’s HYDRO30 surface water extent product along with its visualization capabilities to relevant stakeholders. The training will also showcase a step-by-step method for accessing the product via a web-based application and solicit feedback from participants regarding additional features and customization needs that can be included in the service.


  • Provide information on the capabilities and limitations of the HydroSAR HYDRO30 surface water extent product and related products
  • Provide hands-on training on the web application
  • Discussion and feedback on the customization of the web application and inclusion of additional features

Expected outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will have sufficient understanding of the capabilities of the surface water-mapping products included in the service and will be able to use the associated web application.


Tentative agenda

Time Programme Details
07:45–07:50 Opening remarks TBD
07:50–08:05 Introductions and welcome remarks Birendra Bajracharya, Chief of Party –SERVIR-HKH, ICIMOD
08:05–08:35 Overview of the HydroSAR surface water extent product including associated workflow, capabilities, and limitations Franz Meyer, Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
08:35–08:55 Demonstration of HydroSAR product quick guides Lori Schultz, Center Coordinator, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
08:55–09:15 Demonstration of the web application Sudip Pradhan, Programme Coordinator – Regional Database System, ICIMOD
09:15–09:45 Hands-on practice on the web application Sudip Pradhan, ICIMOD
09:45–10:45 Discussion and feedback Moderator: Mir Matin, Theme Leader – Geospatial Solutions, ICIMOD


HydroSAR is a NASA SERVIR Applied Sciences Team project that develops products, tools, and services to support monitoring hydrological hazards in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. A cloud-based SAR data analysis service, HydroSAR taps into research expertise from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and ICIMOD. Derived from weather-independent Sentinel-1 SAR data, HydroSAR’s HYDRO30 surface water extent product provides near real-time information on flood water extent and is available within hours as a flood event progresses. This product can be extended throughout the lower plains of the HKH region. Floods are the most significant natural disaster affecting the HKH region because of their frequency, financial costs, and most importantly, the impact on lives and livelihoods. During flood events, remotely sensed geospatial data serve as a critical resource for information on surface inundation. Combined with information on demography and infrastructures, this information can aid line agencies in making informed decisions during their disaster risk reduction response and mitigation efforts.