Advanced training on empowering women in geospatial information technology

Date 1 Mar 2022 to 8 Mar 2022
Venue Microsoft Teams
Contact Persons
Type Training
Programmes SERVIR-HKH

About the training

Our SERVIR-HKH Initiative is organizing an advanced training for the alumni from our “empowering women in geospatial information technology” trainings. In 2021, we scaled out the training to five Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan.

The advanced training will cover a wide range of topics on Earth observation (EO) and geospatial information technology (GIT) solutions for emerging environmental problems, and will take a deep dive into SERVIR-HKH’s services on monitoring agriculture, air quality, extreme weather, floods, land cover, and ecosystems. The training will be delivered using a blended learning approach – presentations and guided practical exercises, followed by group project assignments.


We aim to train young women from the HKH region on the use of EO data and GIT linked to our SERVIR-HKH services to enable them to use EO data for different applications. This will support our efforts in bridging the gender gap in the GIT field and help build the foundation for women’s leadership in the EO/GIT sector in HKH countries.

Expected outcomes

Upon completion of the training, the participants will have a better understanding of the concepts and applications of EO and GIT linked to SERVIR-HKH services, which will enable them to use the knowledge gained professionally.

Expected participants

A total of 50 young women participants (10 from each country) are expected to participate in this training.


Revolutionary advancements in the fields of EO and GIT have created more opportunities in the fields of spatial sciences, natural resource management, landscape mapping, strategic planning, and decision-making. Though women play a vital role in environmental management and decision-making, they are underrepresented in the EO/GIT sector. This gender disparity is prevalent in the EO/GIT sector in Asia, and more so in the HKH region.

To address this evident gender gap, we have been organizing training programmes in ‘Empowering women in geospatial information technology’ for young and early career women under our SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Initiative for the past four years (2018–2021). In 2021, we scaled out this concept to five HKH countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan. Through this initiative, we hope to provide meaningful growth opportunities for women professionals and encourage them to pursue EO/GIT careers.


Tentative agenda

All timestamps are in Nepal Standard Time (NPT)

  • Monday, 28 February 2022
    Time Topic
    13:00–14:00 Registration
      Introduction of participants – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD
  • Tuesday, 1 March 2022
    Time Topic
    09:00–10:00 Opening session (S1)
      Training overview (15 min) – Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, ICIMOD

    SERVIR efforts on bridging gender gap in HKH (10 min) – Birendra Bajracharya, ICIMOD

    Keynote speech on the future of Earth observation and geospatial information technology (30 min) – Nancy Searby, NASA

    Welcome remarks (5 min) – Izabella Koziell, ICIMOD

    Group photo

    10:00–12:00 Morning session (S2)
      Pre-training assessment (10 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    The importance of GIT applications for society/communities (30 min) – Kamala Gurung, ICIMOD

    Concept of geospatial analysis and applications (60 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Demonstration of the Regional Database System portal (20 min) – Sudip Pradhan, ICIMOD

    12:00–14:00 Lunch break
    14:00–17:00 Afternoon session (S3)
      Hands-on exercises – Poonam Tripathi, Sajana Maharjan, and Sunil Thapa, ICIMOD

    Geospatial analysis for agro-ecological zonation

    15:00–15:10 Break
      Hands-on exercises – session continued
  • Wednesday, 2 March 2022
    Time Topic
    09:00–12:00 Morning session (S4)
    Reflections of the previous day (30 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Introduction to RLCMS data and applications (20 min) – Sajana Maharjan, ICIMOD

    Hands-on exercises – Sajana Maharjan, Sunil Thapa and Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Land cover change analysis and reporting

    Hands-on exercises – session continued
    12:00–14:00 Lunch break
    14:00–17:00 Afternoon session (S5)
    Earth observation for agriculture monitoring and applications – Faisal M. Qamer, ICIMOD

    Hands-on exercise – Sravan Shrestha and Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Regional drought monitoring and reporting

    15:00–15:10 Break
    Hands-on exercises – session continued

    Demonstration and hands-on on field data collection using Geofairy for crop mapping

  • Thursday, 3 March 2022
    Time Topic
    09:00–12:00 Morning session (S6)
    Reflections of the previous day (30 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Extreme weather and streamflow prediction – Manish Shrestha, ICIMOD

    Hands-on exercise – Manish Shrestha, and Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    High-Impact Weather Assessment Tool and interpretation of weather forecasts

    Hands-on exercises – session continued

    The Streamflow Prediction Tool and interpretation of streamflow forecasts

    12:00–14:00 Lunch break
    14:00–17:00 Afternoon session (S7)
    Introduction to air pollution and air quality monitoring – Siva Praveen Puppala, ICIMOD

    Hands-on exercises

    Air quality monitoring products and applications – Kiran Shakya, and Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    15:00–15:10 Break
    Hands-on exercises – session continued
  • Friday, 4 March 2022
    Time Topic
    09:00–12:00 Morning session (S8)
    Reflections of the previous day (30 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Thematic group creation and working topic discussion – Rajesh Bahadur Thapa and Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Project work on geospatial services

    12:00–14:00 Lunch break
    14:00–17:00 Afternoon session (S9)
    Project work – session continued
    15:00–15:10 Break
    Project work – session continued
  • Monday, 7 March 2022
    Time Topic
    09:00–12:00 Morning session (S10)
    Project work – session continued
    12:00–14:00 Lunch break
    14:00–17:00 Afternoon session (S11)
    Group presentation on project work
    (Each group will give a 10 min presentation, 5 mins Q/A)
    Land cover change – Group A
    Drought – Group B
    Geofairy application – Group C
    Streamflow prediction – Group D
    Weather forecast– Group E
    Air quality– Group F
    Site Suitability – Group G
    15:00–15:10 Break
    Closing session (S12)
    Reflections on the training (30 min) – Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, ICIMOD

    Post-training assessment (20 min) – Poonam Tripathi, ICIMOD

    Closing remarks (10 min) – Birendra Bajracharya, ICIMOD

  • Tuesday, 8 March 2022
    Time Topic
    14:00–16:00 Afternoon session (S13)
    International Women’s Day celebration